Autore: Mariacarla

09 Dic 2015

Merger in AZ InfoCollection

From the article published on Il Sole 24 Ore Journal today:

AZ InfoCollection focuses on the philosophy “one client, one servicer
Is now possible for clients to have an integrated management of entire Npl portfolios, with positions in various asset classes.
“The new challenge that we have undertaken is to customize the credit management in three dimensions” says Carmine Evangelista, CEO of the group, “giving all our primary customers in the NPL sector the ability to create and share personalized management of three dimensions: asset types, type of collection, type of information through the direct control of the entire supply chain”
AZ InfoCollection has also approved the merger of Martin & Cooper in AZ Srl.
The merger represents an essential step to reinforce the new positioning of the group into the credit management market, AZ InfoCollection is committed to manage the non performing loans as the only independent credit servicer active in different asset classes (corporate, real estate and unsecured). The merger confirms also the company mission to growth in dimension to allow a more effective and incisive work in the market thanks also to new technology platforms just implemented with aim of deliveringing to the market high-performance technical services.
The group, in fact, is being equipped with all the necessary resources, human and technological resources to respond quickly, effectively and promptly to the needs of non-performing loans management in all asset classes, coordinating the channel of collection and maximizing the business of infoproviding .

05 Dic 2015

Fusione Martin & Cooper S.r.l. in AZ S.r.l.

La Fusione in casa AZ InfoCollection ripresa da:
Gazzetta di Napoli

Gazzetta di Salerno

Gazzetta di Avellino

04 Dic 2015

Martin & Cooper s.r.l merges in AZ S.r.l.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. informs that today was signed the merger deed of Martin & Cooper Srl in AZ Srl, whose project has been approved by the respective Boards of Directors.

The Merger is an essential step in strengthening the new positioning of the Group the management of non performing loans, AZ InfoCollection is the only independent credit servicer active in different asset classes (corporate , real estate and unsecured ). This dimensional growth will allow also a more effective work of new technology platforms just implemented by the Group and will improve the delivering service.

The Group, indeed, is being equipped with all the necessary human and technological resources to respond quickly, effectively and promptly to the needs of management of impaired loans in all asset classes, coordinating the channels of collection and maximizing business info providing. The use of technology, the introduction of new young and talented managers with an innovative vision and inspiration to innovation within the organization that allows the Group to be a unique player in the Italian market.

In addition, by creating a single legal entity, the services of credit recovery implemented under the authorization of the license 115, and investigative services to infoproviding service authorized by the license 134, are both provided by the company AZ Srl holder of the dual license, with consequent benefit for all customers who can interact with a single company reality.

The legal effects of the merger will start from January 15, 2016 while the accounting and tax will be charged to the budget of the absorbing company with effect from January 1, 2016.

Simona Gaudiosi
Media & External Relations

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. It is and independent full credit servicer, operating in the management of NPL portfolio with expertise in various asset classes (corporate, unsecured and real estate) coordinating collection channels and maximizing infoproviding activities. Its main clients are major Italian financial institutions, international funds, utilities and insurance company. AZ InfoCollection is also active in the antifraud on insurance, intelligence, security and heritage protection markets.

Info at Gruppo AZ InfoCollection S.p.A.
Phone: +39 3662597197 |

04 Dic 2015

Martin & Cooper S.r.l si fonde in AZ S.r.l.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.a. informa che in data odierna è stata stipulata la delibera di Fusione per incorporazione di Martin & Cooper S.r.l in AZ S.r.l, il cui Progetto è stato approvato dai rispettivi Consigli di Amministrazione.

La Fusione rappresenta un passaggio essenziale nel potenziare il nuovo posizionamento del Gruppo AZ InfoCollection nel mercato della gestione dei crediti deteriorati quale unico ed indipendente credit servicer attivo nei diversi segmenti di asset class (corporate, unsecured e real estate) portando ad una crescita dimensionale che consentirà una più efficace ed incisiva opera di valorizzazione delle nuove piattaforme tecnologiche appena implementate e consegnando al mercato servizi di elevata performance tecnico-analitica

Il Gruppo, infatti, si sta dotando di tutte le risorse necessarie, umane e tecnologiche per rispondere in maniera veloce, efficace e puntuale alle esigenze di gestione dei crediti deteriorati in tutti gli asset class coordinando i canali di collection e massimizzando l’attività di infoproviding. L’utilizzo della tecnologia, l’inserimento di nuovo management a fianco di risorse giovani e talentuose con una visione innovativa alimentano un motore di energia e innovazione all’interno dell’organizzazione che permette al Gruppo di essere un player unico nel panorama italiano.

Inoltre, grazie alla creazione di un unico soggetto giuridico, i servizi di recupero del credito svolti sotto l’autorizzazione della licenza 115, e i servizi di investigazione a servizio dell’infoproviding autorizzati dalla licenza 134, verranno entrambi erogati dalla società AZ S.r.l. titolare così della doppia licenza, con conseguente beneficio per tutti i clienti che potranno interfacciarsi con un’unica realtà societaria.

Gli effetti civilistici della fusione decorreranno a partire dal 15 Gennaio 2016 mentre gli effetti contabili e fiscali saranno imputati al bilancio della società incorporante con efficacia dal 1 Gennaio 2016.

Simona Gaudiosi
Responsabile Media e Relazioni Esterne

AZ InfoCollection è un Full Credit Servicer indipendente che opera nella gestione dei crediti deteriorati
in tutti gli asset class (corporate, unsecured e real estate) coordinando i canali di collection e massimizzando l’attività di infoproviding. Tra i suoi principali clienti i maggiori istituti finanziari italiani, fondi internazionali, utilities e assicurative italiane. AZ InfoCollection opera inoltre nel mercato dell’antifrode assicurativa, intelligence, security e tutela del patrimonio.

Per informazioni: Gruppo AZ InfoCollection S.p.A.
Tel: +39 366259 7197