Categoria: Press release & News

07 Gen 2016

Let’s meet Francesco Fedele

Who is our COO? Here the interview.


Describe your role in AZ InfoCollection

In AZ InfoCollection I am the COO of the Credit Management Business Unit, I am in charge of the entire operation area. My main task is to coordinate all activities of our company as Full Credit Servicer, to better organize them optimize them to be functional to our business. My responsibility is especially to align to the needs of the market the company, through the constant development of new projects and solutions.

Tell us about your story before joining AZ

My first approach to credit management, after an experience in 2008 in the world of structured finance at Martingale Risk Italy, has been with Bee Consulting Group which was in charge of a part of operation risk analysis for UniCredit.
After this experience, I came in the collection word, first as Credit Specialist in BNP – Findomestic Banca, and then I become a Credit and Collection Manager for Intellcredit Group – Telecom.
After three years, I took over operational management of a new emerging reality in the field of collection: UniFinance Management and just after this I had the opportunity to be part of the project AZ InfoCollection , which I immediately percieved as a great opportunity.

The credit sector in Italy is in great turmoil, what do you expect will happen in the next year?

The NPL market is constantly changing; in October, it was found a slight decrease of the sufferings, but the economic recovery is still too weak to think of an appreciable recovery in the short term.
2016 will be a dynamic year for our sector; the new players who are appearing in the market and the desired reduction in the gap between supply and demand could facilitate greater liquidity.
We expect a growth of the secondary market and also the Bad Bank issue will be an important variable.

How AZ InfoCollection is organizing to meet the new challenges?

AZ InfoCollection also through the recent merger between AZ Ltd. and Martin & Cooper, has consolidated and strengthened its market position as a Full Credit Servicer operating independently in different asset classes. The growth in size and the knowledge we are acquiring get us now ready to support our national and international partners and is enhanced by recent major investments have provided the Group with new technology platforms and skills level.

What are the qualities you look for in your employees to create a responsive team up to the demands of the market?

People always make the difference. We need to be able to quickly set our goals on the partner needs, and often be ahead of the market. This is why in our team, as well as professional and competent, cannot miss dynamism and passion. The performance is our goal and each of our employees is focused towards the continuous improvement of the results, with new ideas and visions. We are a team, we share efforts and successes, and we all feel part of the AZ InfoCollection project.

04 Dic 2015

Martin & Cooper s.r.l merges in AZ S.r.l.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. informs that today was signed the merger deed of Martin & Cooper Srl in AZ Srl, whose project has been approved by the respective Boards of Directors.

The Merger is an essential step in strengthening the new positioning of the Group the management of non performing loans, AZ InfoCollection is the only independent credit servicer active in different asset classes (corporate , real estate and unsecured ). This dimensional growth will allow also a more effective work of new technology platforms just implemented by the Group and will improve the delivering service.

The Group, indeed, is being equipped with all the necessary human and technological resources to respond quickly, effectively and promptly to the needs of management of impaired loans in all asset classes, coordinating the channels of collection and maximizing business info providing. The use of technology, the introduction of new young and talented managers with an innovative vision and inspiration to innovation within the organization that allows the Group to be a unique player in the Italian market.

In addition, by creating a single legal entity, the services of credit recovery implemented under the authorization of the license 115, and investigative services to infoproviding service authorized by the license 134, are both provided by the company AZ Srl holder of the dual license, with consequent benefit for all customers who can interact with a single company reality.

The legal effects of the merger will start from January 15, 2016 while the accounting and tax will be charged to the budget of the absorbing company with effect from January 1, 2016.

Simona Gaudiosi
Media & External Relations

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. It is and independent full credit servicer, operating in the management of NPL portfolio with expertise in various asset classes (corporate, unsecured and real estate) coordinating collection channels and maximizing infoproviding activities. Its main clients are major Italian financial institutions, international funds, utilities and insurance company. AZ InfoCollection is also active in the antifraud on insurance, intelligence, security and heritage protection markets.

Info at Gruppo AZ InfoCollection S.p.A.
Phone: +39 3662597197 |

10 Nov 2015

Fast Track: the new born fast line in AZ InfoCollection dedicated to infoproviding

AZ InfoCollection, the first full Italian credit servicer specialized in the management of NPL portfolio in various asset classes, is proud to announce a further innovation in his infoproviding services: a full portfolio of high quality products, releasable in a few hours on massive volumes of information to create reliability rates of future customers.

Overdue payments or bad debtors can seriously affect companies’ business if not handled promptly so is crucial to create a business relationship based on counterparty reliability.
Raising the quality of reliability of clients, lowering the risk of debt is the purpose of these brand new services. AZ InfoCollection has set also another goal: to meet these needs in a few hours.

With the new FastTrack line we achieved the goal.

The Group has invested in new software to manage big data and renewed internal processes thanks to a team of professionals who have made this possible. AZ InfoCollection was able to make a revolution that allows to offer a unique service.

The new products RatingMe, ScoreMe, RatingSME and ScoreSME are an example..

These are scoring and rating services dedicated to potential new clients, whether individual or corporate.
The products are a check service to be used massively for fast screening of the client during his acquisition. The score reliability is displayed with two possible outcomes, positive or negative, the result is made thanks an algorithm owned by AZ InfoCollection whose calculation variables are established standards for the Group and is also possible to customize the calculation on needs bases.

ScoreME is the product dedicated to individuals. This check can be used massively for fast screening of the customer during his acquisition.

The same service is offered for the evaluation of a company (SMEs) on the possibility of credit recovery. ScoreSME is a check focused on the summary information on negative events and the availability of real estate assets from the company and the shareholder with personal assets. This is complemented by a score of recoverability.

RatingMe and RatingMe SME are completing the new product list.
The first product is dedicated to individuals, is a service of in-depth assessment of reliability of a potential new client. A full rating report done by a financial analyst.

The second one, RatingMe SME, is a product dedicated to companies, which meets the need to provide summary information on negative events and real estate assets from the company and his shareholder. Also in this case, the rating report, is finalized by a financial analyst.

The strength of these products is to provide added value for our clients thanks to the mix of official information and investigated information, enhanced by the financial analysis that is completing the assessments.

AZ InfoCollection, the Italian first full credit servicer specialized in the management of NPL portfolio in different asset classes, confirms its presence in the credit sector again with innovation and responsiveness to the market needs.

Simona Gaudiosi
Media and External Relations

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. It is and independent full credit servicer, operating in the management of NPL portfolio with expertise in various asset classes, applied to channels of collection and infoproviding. Its main clients are major Italian financial institutions, international funds, utilities and insurance company. AZ InfoCollection is also active in the antifraud on insurance, intelligence, security and heritage protection markets.

02 Nov 2015

AZInfoCollection: the first full Italian credit servicer is now available.

The client as center of the behavior of the company is exactly the philosophy that has brought the AZ Group to be one of the top Italian excellence, also according to the Italian Stock Exchange.

Today, with the same vision and the same innovative spirit, AZ InfoCollection launches, as first in Italy, the philosophy: “one client, one servicer“.
It is now available the opportunity for customers to have an integrated management of entire NPL portfolios – in various asset classes – aiming to an excellent performance, thanks to the combined use of technologies and strategies applied in all collection channels, by using the most important resource and core historical business of AZ Group: infoproviding.

“The new challenge that we have accepted is to customize the credit management in thee dimensions ” says Carmine Evangelista , Group CEO ” offering to all of our customers in the NPL market, the ability to create a personalized management of NPL portfolio focused on three aspects: assets class and collection through information, controlling directly the entire supply chain”.

Latest data confirm that the Italian NPL market is approximately 200 billion Euro, the composition of the bad debts is mainly divided between the so-called NPL secured and unsecured, which means grander loans or not granted.

Italians NPL are characterized by type, mostly in banks’ portfolios and can be divided into two main areas: corporate (82 %) and retail (16 %) . Also more non-bank players are now approaching the market looking to maximize the operational results.

In this complex market, AZ InfoCollection has now focused its positioning strategy to benefit the many variables that must now be managed to ensure excellence IRR.

AZ InfoCollection is then able to put in system three assets in relation to each other: information, asset classes and collection, each one with its subcategories and with the possibility to intersect each sector and each variable to the client, in order to ensure an excellent performance. To this purpose, in addition to the already skilled management team, AZ InfoCollection has just hired new professionals and expanded its partnerships with leading operators in specific areas, creating a network of first quality NPL performance .

The first innovative products able to maximize performance in the corporate NPL sector are now ready and they will be launched in the upcoming weeks.

Coming soon also a new servicing platform for clients that is the pillar to make AZ, the first Fintech company in credit servicing.

Simona Gaudiosi
Media and External Relations

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. is and independent full credit servicer, operating in the management of NPL portfolio with expertise in various asset classes, applied to channels of collection and infoproviding. Its main clients are major Italian financial institutions, international funds, utilities and insurance company. AZ InfoCollection is also active in the antifraud on insurance, intelligence, security and heritage protection markets.

Info at: Gruppo AZ InfoCollection S.p.A.
Simona Gaudiosi
Phone: +39 3669270394

13 Ott 2015

AZ InfoCollection has published the data related to the Statistical Observatory which aims to profile the Italian debtor.

Bed debts are not only weigh on banks balance but also in the multiulity companies: a real problem not just for companies who provide credit but also services.
This has been the major topic covered in the AZ InfoCollection Statistical Observatory, study dedicated to debtor profiling since 2011 focusing on debtors in the credit companies, banks and from this year multiutility.

The trend observed from 2011 on is reflecting the downturn of Italian economy, with special class of debtors: women and unemployed.
The study, focused on debtors in electricity and gas bills for this year, is describing a heterogeneous profile of debtors.


Women representing the 42,8% of the group analyzed and the majority are unemployed, 49,6%.


In the trend analysis from 2011 to 2015 we can state a remarkable increase of foreign debtors, compared to Italians.

grafico inglese

In 54% cases the average income of debtors is less than 1000 euro per month. The geographical breakdowns of employee who are debtors is describing an homogenous country.


The following graph is analyzing the trend of the debtors distribution in the country since 2011.


The debtors from north of Italy are increasing in 2015 compared to previews years, this is balanced by the decrease of debtors from south of Italy.
The general comment on the homogenous geografical brekdown and similar working status of Italian debtors is that the multiultility sector is characterized by small amount of money related to the debts compared to credit in other fields.
Carmine Evangelista, CEO of AZ InfoCollection, is commenting the data as follow “ the debtors profile coming out to our study is confirming that the debtors trends are aligned with the financial changes of our country”.

Statistical Observatory I Semsester 2015:
Italian version

Simona Gaudiosi
Media & External relations

AZ InfoCollection is a full credit servicer committed to support credit risk management to appraise assets of banks, financial companies and insurance companies. The group is also active in other business fields such as intelligence, anti-fraud in insurance sector, welcome services, event management and technologies for investigation.

Information: Gruppo AZ InfoCollection S.p.A.
Phone: +39 3357737417 o +39 3669270394 |

10 Giu 2015

Information means efficiency in the process of credit recovery

One hundred people have filled the conference room of PwC in via Monte Rosa in Milan for the conference “The information, a disruptive aspect in the processes related to credit”, organized by AZ InfoCollection and PwC. The guests of the roundtables are specialists in the sphere of infoproviding, professionals in privacy issues, representatives of the world of credit and industry in each of its branches of business. The objective is a direct comparison on the contents of the market of infoproviding, which is showing progressive sensitivity to the themes of information in support of business and strategic processes.

The impression we got from the people in the room, judging by the questions and the performance of the round tables – said Carmine Evangelista, CEO of AZ InfoCollection SpAis that the cues offered by today’s discussions go in depth on the various fields that constitute the chain of credit and information, realities which are usually taken into consideration in a separate matter, but which instead are highly dependent of each other. Today, for example, investors require from operators of the credit increasingly high rates of return. To achieve these results, the information is central, it is a strategic asset because it directs the processes of credit recovery making them more efficient, improving their accuracy“. So, for example in the management of portfolios of non-performing loans, those who manage the data of such portfolios may use to their advantage the clustering of information that allows the sharing of practices in different types. In this way, the groups that are created will identify a well-defined type of debtor, and allow for collection as a targeted action, respectful of the personal situation of the debtor. “The debt of a pensioner is different from the debt of a person with a job and an income, or even that of the unemployed – said Evangelista – the availability of this type of information allows operators of credit to act intelligently moving towards various targets and to manage the assets on time, with benefits also in the scientific measurement of the actions put in place“.

The discussions in the morning were also focused on the issue of privacy protection and the technological tools to support the information and processes related to credit. In the first panel it was stressed firmly that the collection of data is legitimate when there is a right to credit: any resistance to this statement is cultural and systemic, not related to legislation. In the second panel instead we explored new frontiers of innovation to support the processes of credit, in particular what now offers the technology to handle the masses of data and turn them into usable information. In this regard, the discussion was focused mainly on the opportunities that big data and applications of Fintech can create for this market, especially using them in the systems related to the semantic analysis of the information.

04 Giu 2015

Privacy and protection of credit can have a common goal?

Is it possible to understand on the basis of only three words of one deals with a natural person or a company? What are the risks when seeking funding or subscribing to a service? The answers are a trio of concepts that are connected with the process of infoproviding in credit support, management and recovery: standards, technology and deep knowledge of the whole chain.

To find answers to these questions AZ InfoCollection SpA, a leader in infoproviding sevices in Italy, organizes a conference entitled “Information, a disruptive aspect in the processes related to credit” in collaboration with PwC. The event is scheduled for Wednesday 10 June in Milan (Via Monte Rosa, 91 at 9:00).

The first panel will see a particular focus on the rules for the protection of data and information, also in relation to the law on the protection of privacy and the influence of information on the process of recovery of the impaired loan. The following speakers will participate in the discussion: Stefano Cancarini, PwC Tax and Legal Services; Olimpia Policella, Studio Policella; Luca Polverino, Asset Manager of NPL; Daniele Padovan, Credit Manager of RCS Mediagroup. To coordinate the discussion will be Nicola Di Molfetta, journalist of

The admission to the conference is free subject to compulsory registration of participants, via email at, indicating full name, company, position and phone number on a first come first served basis.

The press is invited. Please send confirmation of participation indicating full name of the journalist, the news agency represented and mobile number via email to

04 Giu 2015

Banks, financial companies and the quality of credit

Is it possible to understand on the basis of only three words of one deals with a natural person or a company? What are the risks when seeking funding or subscribing to a service? The answers are a trio of concepts that are connected with the process of infoproviding in credit support, management and recovery: standards, technology and deep knowledge of the whole chain.

To find answers to these questions AZ InfoCollection SpA, a leader in infoproviding sevices in Italy, organizes a conference entitled “Information, a disruptive aspect in the processes related to credit” in collaboration with PwC. The event is scheduled for Wednesday 10 June in Milan (Via Monte Rosa, 91 at 9:00).

From among the four panels planned two will focus on information supply and its use to support credit related processes.

A discussion of manufacturers of information will take place in the form of a dialogue of Andrea Mignanelli, Founder and CEO of Cerved Credit Management; Carmine Evangelista, Managing Director AZ InfoCollection SpA; Alberto Bommarito, Consulting & Debt Managent Fire Spa; Salvatore Iudicone, Managing director of Bcc Credit Management SpA. The discussion will be moderated by Antonio Vannuzzo, journalist of Debtwire.

Later will speak the protagonists of information use in the areas of credit, namely the end users of the data and of the supply chain of infoproviding and how the quality of information can change not only results in the context, for example, of bank debt recovery, but how it can even allow one to set the business strategy.The following speakers will participate: Andrea Clamer, Head of NPL Banca IFIS; Franco Balsamo, CFO of ACEA SpA; Piero Civita, Head of Commercial Division of EuroService; Michele Mangraviti, Loan Operations Director of MOL Group; Guido Fienga, President of Sistemia SpA; Gabriela Vittorio, Head of Billing and Credit of A2A Energia SpA, Group 2A. The discussion will be moderated by Antonella Pagano, Partner of PwC Italy.

The admission to the conference is free subject to compulsory registration of participants, via email at, indicating full name, company, position and phone number on a first come first served basis.

The press is invited. Please send confirmation of participation indicating full name of the journalist, the news agency represented and mobile number via email to

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. is a leader in Italy in infoproviding and credit servicing, which provides services to Italian financial and insurance institutions. AZ InfoCollection is present in the sector of non-performing loans and operates as supplier of intellingence, security and protection of heritage services.

04 Giu 2015

Credit, information and Big Data

Is it possible to understand on the basis of only three words of one deals with a natural person or a company? What are the risks when seeking funding or subscribing to a service? The answers are a trio of concepts that are connected with the process of infoproviding in credit support, management and recovery: standards, technology and deep knowledge of the whole chain.

It is a market of great importance, as confirmed by the growing investments of companies and funds – in particular foreign ones – in the field of credit and non-performing loans. Credit and investment mean growth in jobs, transactions, services which are born and evolve around the major issues of “risk“.

To achieve this aim AZ InfoCollection SpA, a leader in infoproviding sevices in Italy, organizes a conference entitled “Information, a disruptive aspect in the processes related to credit” in collaboration with PwC. The event is scheduled for Wednesday 10 June in Milan (Via Monte Rosa, 91 at 9:00).

From among the four panels planned one in particular will focus on Big Data and the importance of information, technology and data to support the processes of credit. To take part in the discussion will be Michele Barbera, Co-Founder and CEO of SpazioDati; Alessandro Donadio, partner and Social Transformation & Digital Strategist of hitrea; Francesco Consolati, Presales Manager of Risp & Fraud Solution SaS; Alberto Boggetti, Sales Director Italy of Uniserv. To coordinate the discussion there will be Giorgio Soffiato, founder and managing director of Marketing Arena.

The admission to the conference is free subject to compulsory registration of participants, via email at, indicating full name, company, position and phone number on a first come first served basis.

The press is invited. Please send confirmation of participation indicating full name of the journalist, the news agency represented and mobile number via email to

13 Mag 2015

AZ InfoCollection and PwC: on June 10 in Milan a conference on the value of Information as a mean of support in credit-related issues

On Wednesday, 10 June, from 9 am, in PwC’s conference room in Milan the conference “Information, a disruptive matter in credit related processes” is taking place.

Information and credit, innovation and Big Data: these are the main topics of the discussion of the first conference organized by AZ InfoCollection S.p.A., leader in the infoproviding sector in Italy, in collaboration with PwC Italy. The focus of the meeting will be the importance of information in credit processes, applied to different scenarios and contexts.

Infoproviding represents a market of great importance, as confirmed by the growing investment of companies and funds, in particular foreign ones, in credit and non-performing loans sectors. Credit and investment mean jobs, transactions, services which are born and evolve around the major themes related to “risk”.

“Credit should mean conscious risk – stated Carmine Evangelista, C.E.O. of AZ InfoCollection – as speed and quality of information can really make difference between a claim that is successful and the one that turns into suffering. The aim of the conference – said Evangelista – is to draw a roadmap to address the challenges that the new paradigms of Information are offering”.

The detailed program is available at the event dedicated page.

Press is invited. Please send confirmation of participation indicating the full name of the journalist, the news organization represented and the mobile number to


Read the entire press release.