19 Feb 2015

Antonino Restino, Chairman of AZ InfoCollection

One of the very first people to obtain a diploma in Information Technology, Antonino Restino has vast experience in a whole range of sectors connected with info providing.

At the end of the 1970s, he became a member of Federpol, and shortly afterwards was elected first as the Interregional President and then as a member of the National Leadership, an office he held for four years. In this position, he introduced many innovative aspects, opening new businesses which led to great benefits for the entire category.

He was then elected as an executive member of the WAD (World Association of Detectives), the world’s largest association of detectives and those performing business and private investigations, and also introduced many innovations in this sector as well.

In 2000, he was co-opted by General Servolini as an executive member of the Presidency of the U.N.I.P. (National Union of Private Investigators) and participates as an expert in various national and international conferences on credit scoring, intellectual property and insurance fraud.

In 1974 he founded A-Zeta, a leading national credit and insurance infoproviding company.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. was founded in 2009, of which he is chairman and majority shareholder.

18 Feb 2015

AZ InfoCollection, partnership esclusiva per l’Assemblea Unirec (Roma, 20 febbraio)

AZ InfoCollection, partnership esclusiva per l’Assemblea Unirec (Roma, 20 febbraio)

Aprirà i lavori Maria Grazia Balsamo, Quality Supply Chain Manager di AZ

AZ InfoCollection Spa parteciperà in qualità di sponsor unico all’Assemblea annuale Unirec, venerdì 20 febbraio a Roma (Palazzo Confindustria, Sala Pininfarina).

Una partnership importante per AZ, gruppo specializzato nei servizi di infoproviding e credit servicing, che ha trovato in Unirec un interlocutore istituzionale con il quale sviluppare uno dei capitoli della sua storia evolutiva.

A rappresentare AZ InfoCollection nell’Assemblea Unirec, autorevole punto d’incontro tra gli addetti del settore del credito al consumo, sarà Maria Grazia Balsamo, Quality Supply Chain Manager del Gruppo. Nell’intervento di apertura del convegno, la dott.ssa Balsamo illustrerà l’innovativo business model dell’azienda guidata dal presidente Restino.

AZ InfoCollection e Unirec ti aspettano venerdì 20 febbraio dalle 9:30 alle 14:00 a Roma  presso il Palazzo Confindustria (accesso da Viale dell’Astronomia, 30 – ingresso gratuito)…non mancare!

Clicca qui per ottenere maggiori informazioni sull’Assemblea UNIREC

18 Feb 2015

Italy is indebted by women, foreigners and individuals under the age of forty

This fact was evidenced by data processed in the last report of the Statistical Observatory of AZ InfoCollection

Milan, 5 February 2015 – The Statistical Observatory developed by AZ InfoCollection, a leading company in the field of infoproviding and credit servicing, periodically provides market data and processings on the indebtedness of Italians in the area of financial loans.

On a quarterly basis, the Statistical Observatory of the Group proposes an analysis of the profile of the borrower with loans in the field of consumer credit, considered to be difficult to recover.

Through the use of a proprietary database cyclically subject to refreshing operations, AZ InfoCollection, in May 2014 admitted to the Elite circuit of the Italian Stock Exchange, monitors trends in debts on the national territory by extracting clusters and groups with the goal of tracing the evolution of the socio-economic behavior of the debtor.

Specifically, the report analyzes the 6.9% of the total number of Italian households, on a total amount of problematic cases that in November 2014 reached the sum of 181 billion euro.

What are the main data that emerge through the Statistical Observatory?

The analysis highlights a number of trends from 2011 until 2014 that can be summarized by describing the following trends:

  • Strong growth in the number of indebted individuals under 40 (3 points more), linked to the rise in youth unemployment;
  • Growth in the number of indebted women: many more women find it harder to pay the outstanding bills (4 points). The reduction of the gap between men and women is a clear indication of the fact that families are trying to access credit using all available financial sources: more and more often it is the wife who takes the loan because her husband or other family members are probably already indebted;
  • Increase in those with income less than 1,000 euro per month (7 points). This fact is explained by the use of increasingly frequent contractual forms of temporary employment regulations with meager salaries, particularly for women, with lower wages on average.

Moreover the analysis shows the following:

  • Increase in the number of debtors of foreign nationality (2 points higher);
  • Increase in the number of pensioned public employees in financial difficulty, while decrease in the number of entrepreneurs and freelancers;
  • There are more debts in the North than in the Centre. This is understandable given that the percentage of loans in Italy highlights a concentration of 60% in the North, 23% in the Centre and 17% in the South.
18 Feb 2015

AZ entra nel programma Elite

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. è lieta di annunciare una nuova importante tappa nel percorso di sviluppo che ha caratterizzato gli ultimi anni.

Borsa Italiana ha infatti ammesso la società al programma ELITE nel quale, al fianco delle migliori aziende italiane, verrà accompagnata in un percorso di crescita, cambiamento e leadership.

Oggi, infatti, durante un evento di presentazione avvenuto a Piazza Affari, alla presenza dell’A.D. di Borsa Italiana Jerusalmi, è stata ufficializzata la prestigiosa ammissione.

AZ InfoCollection S.p.A. entra così a pieno titolo nella rosa delle centotrenta eccellenze italiane targate ELITE, accomunate da un forte orientamento all’espansione.

Antonino Restino, Presidente del Gruppo AZ, testimonia la soddisfazione per l’ammissione ottenuta e nel contempo l’orientamento verso progetti di crescita sostenendo che “nel passaggio da azienda familiare ad azienda manageriale, ELITE rappresenta una pietra miliare nel cammino di cambiamento culturale ed organizzativo”. “Le competenze industriali, finanziarie ed organizzative necessarie per crescere e svilupparsi sono molteplici ed in continua evoluzione” aggiunge Carmine Evangelista, Amministratore Delegato del Gruppo AZ “ELITE rappresenta un ottimo compagno di viaggio nell’aiutarci a comprenderle completamente e a rafforzarle.”

Il Gruppo, con sedi a Milano, Napoli e Roma, vanta una forte capacità organizzativa e un’esperienza pluridecennale di processi e soluzioni flessibili. L’accentramento ed il controllo delle fonti informative, unitamente ad un voluminoso database proprietario, la rendono protagonista sul mercato italiano nei settori di appartenenza con soluzioni innovative e ad alta performance.

Inoltre, le licenze abilitative del Gruppo, il sistema informativo certificato ISO 27001 per la sicurezza e la tutela dei dati – prima azienda italiana del settore ad ottenerla – sono gli ulteriori punti di forza trasversali a tutte le attività del Gruppo che hanno permesso di ottenere risultati economico finanziari in fortissima accelerazione.